Monday, April 26, 2010


So, I am chatting with my brother, who by the way doesn't really care about religion, but thinks he should join the Catholic church because his wife and kids go there and he wants to participate. While I commend his desire to have their family all in one accord, he is coming from the wrong place. Don't you think you should want to go to church because you ah.....LOVE GOD, want to be OBEDIENT TO GOD, and maybe want to WORSHIP GOD? I didn't say that to him in those BIG LETTERS :) but we continued to chat.

So, and this is what he says next:

" I don't understand what the big deal is about wondering who is going to get into heaven and who isn't. Why don't we just live our lives and try to be the best people we can be. Who cares!"

.................any suggestions on how to answer that one?

Family is hard to convert! :)



  1. your going to have to show him scriptures... have a mini bible study with him.... that will have to speak for itself, the scriptures...
    nothing else will do. give him portions of scriptures to read... that will give him something to think about...hope that helps..


  2. Does your brother believe there is a God? If not, then attending any kind of church would sort of be like feeding the delusion of the silly people who do believe in God, wouldn't it? If he does believe there is some kind of god - any kind of god - then it would be at least interesting to know more about him. And if it happens to be a sovereign God, then that God, as creator, would have a claim on your brother's life. That would make knowing more about this God/the truth about this God imperative, a huge priority. Of course, we should all live our lives trying to be the best people we can be. Absolutely. But, when we step over the thresh-hold to eternity, we are all going to find out that WHO gets into heaven is suddenly a VERY BIG DEAL to us. If we didn't care before, we will care then.

    The amazing thing is - there IS a holy, divine God, and HE LOVES US! He has written all of history, painted all of creation to tell us who He is, and how precious we are to Him. To ignore Him or to make light of Him would be a gross display of ingratitude, justly deserving hell.

    You're right - family is hard to convert. We all are. Impossible, really. Dead men just don't want to dance. Why, it would take something far beyond human reason or love or power to accomplish...something huge. But God is huge, and He can accomplish the impossible. I am so glad your brother has you, Sue, to point him to a God who is big enough to take our questions and our unbelief and transform them into something glorious!
