Friday, January 29, 2010

what determines success?

I come from a family of very successful people. But successful in what sense? Both my siblings have VERY good jobs, making lots of money. They both have families, beautiful homes, super cars, the latest clothing and take some fun vacations. For many, this is a measure of success. They have MADE it in this world!

Then there is my family :) We were called by the Lord to homeschool, really before we even knew who HE was. He then drew us to Him so we began going to church and fellowshipping with other believers. We are inturn teaching our children all about Him and His love, grace, mercy and justice. He spoke to my heart on helping my family eat better. In turn I decided that we should not be using white flour, white sugar or eating too much red meat. We grind our own grain, make our own bread, cakes and cookies. Then we decided, with much prayer I might add, to rent our home, put our things in storage, buy an RV and tour around N. America for a year on my husbands military pension! Not an easy job. We are now living on a modest salary and shopping at thrift storesm trying to eat less and better and we are smiling all the way!

So who is more successful?

I am doing a Bible study by Beth Moore on the life of Paul called "To Live as Christ"
I enjoy Beth Moore. She speaks to me at times. As I was started my reading on week 7 there was a quote of hers that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"In our Christian lives, success is obedience to God, not results we can measure."

I never once thought of success like this before and I believe she is right on! We take to heart a lot of what other think. "Keeping up with the Jones'" seems to be a common phrase. I think we all want to look good in some way, shape, or form. But when we put our focus on the things of this world, we will get just that; fleeting moments of brilliance, approval and applause and then it is all gone, you are back to just plain old you.

But God loves plain old you! He loves when you forget about the things of this world and focus on HIM. Jesus is our measure, not the world.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

So maybe that is the key, obedience to God. If we put all of our focus on being obedient to the Lord, don't you think we will be successful? I mean we would have to be. Wouldn't we? Not perfect, but successful in our lives, in our marriages, schooling, mothering and love for others.

I don't know about you, but I am going to do some rethinking of what is successful and what is not. I am going to toss out the worldly mearsuring tape (especially the one that measures around my waist!).

Lord help me to be more obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit so You can make my paths straight!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Giving things to God

I have trouble giving things to God. Well, some things are easier than others. When things seem to be difficult, I will pray, "Ok Lord, you can have this because I don't know how to handle it." or "Lord, this RV belongs to you and everything that happens, good or bad with it will be accepted."
But the one thing I can't seem to give to God on a regular basis is my children.

I dropped my 17 year old son off two weeks ago, at the airport. He was headed back to MI to visit the friends he holds so dear from church where we used to live. He was so excited to go and it was made all possible by my brother who had frequent flier miles to share. He is back home now and safe and sound - PTL!!!!

Anyway, I was a mess. I know, I know, people do it all the time. My friend Liz just prayed as her son left for Romania for the umteenth (is that a word?) time, my friend Susan just shared that her son is going to Venezuela for who knows how long. Another friend Barb is getting ready for her daughter to go to Kyrgystan. And yet another friend, Mim whose son is living in Norway! moms and dads alike watch their children go off to do all sorts of things. I guess I was just a mess because it is my first time and my oldest child.

Thefew months before he went I was just fine. There was little talk about it. He was excited about who and what he was going to see and do. As the weeks got closer I found myself getting more and more anxious. The last three days I found myself in tears more than once. What was I upset about you might ask, well, mostly things I have no control over. Was I upset he was going to forget clothes, money, schoolwork (mean mommy!) or the like, no, I have some say into that. I was upset about the plane, the flying, the not being with him if the unthinkable happened. Me not being there to take care of him. Can you tell I am having trouble letting go? - understatement of the YEAR!

I finally said to my husband, "When he goes to college I am going to lose it!" HA!

But what about God? My son doesn't belong to me, he is only on loan, God owns him; he belongs to Him. He has given me these children to care for, raise IN HIM, and to set free. My husband and I are to teach him to live on his own, like a man. That is our goal isn't it? To watch him walk out that door as a God fearing man, ready to be on his own................

I know this. I really do. It is just a hard thing for me. On the one hand I want him to be out of his own, so I can look back and see all the wonders that God has done. On the other hand, I want to keep him in our house so I can make sure he is going to be ok! I want to enjoy him for as long as I can! HA! I know, crazy, yet I am reminded that God gave me a heart that loves. He gave me all the emotions that I am having. The problem is how I am using them.

I think it is ok to love richly and deeply. God wants us to have a heart that loves others. But to get caught up in that love so it stifles another isn't a good thing. So, I am trying to let go.

My husband has been very good at this. He wants my son to be a man. He wants him to have the courage and strength to be able to do things on his own. He has reminded me - a million times I might add- that our son will be ok, just let him go. For example, it is raining and Zach has soccer practice. He usually rides his bike there and back to practice. If it is raining I take him or pick him up so he isn't riding in the rain too long (it is 10 miles each way!). My husband has to remind me that he is a big boy and can get wet! HA! He is right, he can get wet and he will be ok, but there is still that mom in me............wanting to nurture, to care for.

As I am writing all of this it is obvious to me it is time to let go. I know many of you out there have experienced this, letting go of a child for the first time. How do you get through it? I am praying for grace. I have a year and a half until college and I am thinking that might be long enough to build up some courage and a smile :)


Sunday, January 10, 2010

wretched sinners

A friend of mines father was arrested over the weekend for having child pornography on his computer and hard copies in his home. He will be arraigned this week. He has a wife, children and grandchildren.................

How does that make you feel to read that? We hear about it all the time. It is all over the papers and on the news, but this time it happened to a man I have known for over 30 years. So for me, the news of such a report has hit my heart, hard.

I am still in a bit of a shock. More so, I am just plain sad. I can't stop thinking about it. It is on my mind all the time. I prayed all through church today for the family. My friend is living a nightmare.

I am really sick about the whole thing. What a horrible thing to do. Children! Children! Does he even know what he is doing? How disgusting can you get? Can you think of anything worse?

Well, I am glad I asked that question because let me tell you something - we are all disgusting, horrible, wretched sinners. We fall right into the same category as those pedophiles, those rapists, murderers. We all have sinned and fallen short - all! We have all be weighed and found wanting! All of us!

Just because our sin is hidden from most or not as severe or depraved doesn't mean that we aren't still all sinners. A sin is a sin is a sin. I know that there are those out there who don't believe that and that is just fine. But for me, it is just that, a sin is a sin - period.

If I harbor ill will toward someone, Christ said that I have already committed murder in my heart (1 John 3:15). If I steal something, even something tiny or seemingly insignificant, I am still a thief. ( Ex 20:15). Jesus said if I lust after another then I have already committed adultery in my heart.(Math 5:28). The list goes on and on.

BUT, and I praise God for the but , We are saved, gloriously saved, by the blood of Christ and through that, amazingly God sees us as white as snow. Unbelievable! Remarkable! WOW!

So as much as I am sickened by what my friends father has done, I am also painfully reminded what I have done to Christ. Even though I have repented and put my trust in Him, the only one who can save me, I am still a sinner. But, thankfully there is grace..........

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, lest anyone should boast." Eph: 2:8,9


Thursday, January 7, 2010


As most of you know we are living in our RV for a year touring around the USA. It has been fun. We are keeping a blog as a family: I wrote this blog a while ago and thought it was a good one. I have tweaked it some, but it still hits a chord. Enjoy!

I have been observing my family these last few weeks and I notice A LOT of grumbling going on, myself included. You know what I mean, moaning, groaning, complaining - LOUDLY. But, there IS a lot to grumble about! HAHA!

There is so much change in our daily life, not to mention the crowded quarters and the fact that there are almost 3 (17, 15 and 12 1/2 ) teenagers living under one roof!But I don't like it. I don't like it when I hear myself talking that way, but even worse is hearing the kids talk that way. Truth be told, I am kinda a grumbler by nature. I am not necessarily unhappy, I just like the world to know things aren't perfect. :) Yes, a big flaw on my part. But to watch your kids "catch" what you have is , well, pretty ugly! You know they didn't learn that on their own, they had to get it from somewhere and this is one of the things I can't blame on my husband. He is not a grumbler at all.

Before we moved from Marquette our Pastor Brian spoke on grumbling during his sermon one Sunday. UGH! That was ugly! I kept shrinking lower and lower in the pew wondering if he was talking directly to me, if the kids saw their mother in his speaking or worse yet if the rest of the congregation knew he was speaking to me. Now in all fairness, I am sure Pastor Brian wasn't speaking directly to me as there are many grumblers in the world, but that particular sermon hit me right in the heart. YES! I am a grumbler!! It was hard to listen to, but worth it. I believe that we all need to hear about our faults every so often; just to keep our pride in check if nothing else. For me it was a painful day!! HA! But also a day of learning.

So, the other morning I was reading Exodus - isn't it funny how God knows exactly where you are, what you need to hear and how you can learn from it if you are willing to HEAR! Amazing, anyway - and here is our friend Moses. Man was he a grumbler and not just to anyone, he grumbled right to God. God asked him, came to him in a burning bush, spoke his name and actually had a conversation with Moses and what does Moses do? He complains about being asked to talk to the Israelites! "Oh Lord do I really have to talk to them, I am poor in speech...yada yada yada...." There are other times of grumbling by Moses and is shocks me each time I read about it. I mean it is one thing to grumble to a friend or spouse, but to God! OUT LOUD! Yikes!!

So what does an old man from the Old Testament have to teach us? For me, it is a reminder that God can use even the grumblers to show others His love for them. Maybe not while they are grumbling per say........

It is a comfort to me to see that God puts imperfect people in places of importance throughout the Bible. That he can use anyone, to do His work. PHEW! I thought my list of sins was too long :) It also amazes me that God can teach me, a woman, SO much through an old man! Really, God does this throughout the Bible. Just awesome! We can learn so much if we just open our eyes and ears to what He is trying to tell us. Many times it isn't who is bring the message as much as it is what they are saying!

The funny thing is, is that I think that maybe Moses' grumbling was catchy. The Israelites complained constantly throughout their years in the desert. Yes, there were many things to grumble about as they were stuck in a desert for what seemed like forever, but God was there. God saved them from slavery, got rid of the pursuing Egyptians, but there was constant grumbling. They were thirsty, God gave them water! They were hungry, God gave them food. But it was never enough, they wanted more or something different. God constantly showed his love to them yet all they could do was grumble, find something else to worship or yell at Moses. Why the constant grumbling, especially since God was right there, in a cloud, with them always! Can you imagine how awesome that would be? You would think that alone would stop the them from grumbling, but not the Israelites, they just kept at it.

Do you see where I am going with this? God is constantly showing His love to me and my family, yet we still grumble. He has blessed us beyond measure with a great family, a great extended family, wonderful friends and a roof over our heads. Not to mention my husbands pension, food, clothing,and........the list can go on for hours, months, days, even years, but still, I grumble, the kids grumble why? Well, I have all sorts of reasons why, mostly it comes down to the fact that we are sinners after all. We can't just stop at the snap of a finger and be someone different. But God can help us do that. He has the power and strength to help us to stop a behavior that is undesirable. The question is, will you call on Him to help you? Will you trust that He alone can help you stop a bad behavior and begin anew? Will you just let go and let God?


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hi all,

Sorry it has been a long time since I wrote last. The first reason being that we didn't have computer access over most of the last few days and the other being that I haven't been feeling overly creative as of late. Writing for me is hard if I HAVE to write. Mostly I write when the mood strikes, and lucky you - I am in that writing mood! HA!

I was at the pool yesterday - sunny AZ 70+ degrees and heated pool - nnnniiiiccceee

Anyway, the kids were enjoying each other, diving for coins, hitting each other with the noodles and just generally having a good time. These two boys eventually showed up and they kinda did their own thing. After some time their mom and I got to talking and we had a lot in common. They too are traveling around N. America, homeschooling and she likes to scrapbook, so we chatted a while.

After a bit it was time for us to head out. Isaac was freezing....the boy is as thin as a rail. He eats just as much, if not more than my 17 year old son, but can't seem to put on the pounds. With negative body fat, he doesn't last long...........

The mom I happened to be chatting with decided to head out too and started to call to her boys. They totally ignored her. Just kept on playing and laughing. After some more "get out of the pool boys" they begin a game that included a lot of splashing and they were getting everyone a bit wet. Again, she yelled and again they ignored her. Then they started to sass at her and well, you know. I kinda said my goodbyes and left.

I have two things to say about this, one, have you ever been in that situation? I wanted to slink away because I know how she feels. You have this idea in mind that your children should jump when you say jump and move out when you say move out. When they don't you are so I began to leave so she wouldn't feel that same way.

But, the thought that ran thru my mind more was the total disobedience of these children. Now I am not bashing parenting skills, more so I am talking about the blatant disobedience of children today. Not only that, but the disrespect. I see it everywhere, and it isn't only focused on parents, but all adults and at times each other as well.

When I received my teaching degree 20 years ago the tide was changing to making sure kids felt good about themselves. "If you boost them up, they will feel pride and want to learn and work harder." is what they would teach us. What I am afraid has happened is that the pendulum swung too far and these children, who are now adults (and raising the same type of children), are so focused on themselves that they forgot the most important thing - others.

We have raised up a society, which is now in their 20's+ that is so SELF focused that there is no room for anyone else, let alone God. They want to be rich, successful, powerful, beautiful. Nothing seems to satisfy them and walking all over the hearts and souls of others is no matter for someone who has their eyes focused on the future; especially when today is just not cutting it for them.

It saddens me so see this. I wonder what our world is going to be like in the next 20 years with self centered people in leadership positions. It is a scary thought.

So, what can we take from this track of thinking. This is what I usually do with my ugly thoughts, I think of how I can make it better. Usually the bettering has to do with my immediately family. Then, if God wishes, it goes outside to others I come in contact with.

So, my children are the guinea pigs :) But seriously, I want them to be loving and caring people. I want them to think of others. I want them to have such a love for God that they will know and hear His voice telling them to GO........GO! Where to go and what to do does not make a difference to me. It is that fact that they are going.............doing something for the glory of God!

I think this is how we can fight the selfish monster that rears its ugly head in all of our lives. Listen for that Holy Spirit to tell you how to serve others. Self sacrifice! How difficult is that? Sometimes VERY difficult. It is one of the things I have been working on for the last 6 months. How much do I really sacrifice for my family? am I willing to just do anything AND without grumbling? That is a whole other story. Doing it is one thing, grumbling while doing it is another. But lets remember one thing, with a heart focused on others, yourself becomes much easier to love :)

Read Luke 10: 25-36