Friday, January 29, 2010

what determines success?

I come from a family of very successful people. But successful in what sense? Both my siblings have VERY good jobs, making lots of money. They both have families, beautiful homes, super cars, the latest clothing and take some fun vacations. For many, this is a measure of success. They have MADE it in this world!

Then there is my family :) We were called by the Lord to homeschool, really before we even knew who HE was. He then drew us to Him so we began going to church and fellowshipping with other believers. We are inturn teaching our children all about Him and His love, grace, mercy and justice. He spoke to my heart on helping my family eat better. In turn I decided that we should not be using white flour, white sugar or eating too much red meat. We grind our own grain, make our own bread, cakes and cookies. Then we decided, with much prayer I might add, to rent our home, put our things in storage, buy an RV and tour around N. America for a year on my husbands military pension! Not an easy job. We are now living on a modest salary and shopping at thrift storesm trying to eat less and better and we are smiling all the way!

So who is more successful?

I am doing a Bible study by Beth Moore on the life of Paul called "To Live as Christ"
I enjoy Beth Moore. She speaks to me at times. As I was started my reading on week 7 there was a quote of hers that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"In our Christian lives, success is obedience to God, not results we can measure."

I never once thought of success like this before and I believe she is right on! We take to heart a lot of what other think. "Keeping up with the Jones'" seems to be a common phrase. I think we all want to look good in some way, shape, or form. But when we put our focus on the things of this world, we will get just that; fleeting moments of brilliance, approval and applause and then it is all gone, you are back to just plain old you.

But God loves plain old you! He loves when you forget about the things of this world and focus on HIM. Jesus is our measure, not the world.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

So maybe that is the key, obedience to God. If we put all of our focus on being obedient to the Lord, don't you think we will be successful? I mean we would have to be. Wouldn't we? Not perfect, but successful in our lives, in our marriages, schooling, mothering and love for others.

I don't know about you, but I am going to do some rethinking of what is successful and what is not. I am going to toss out the worldly mearsuring tape (especially the one that measures around my waist!).

Lord help me to be more obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit so You can make my paths straight!



  1. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts -- I care TOO much about whether I am "successful" by my own or other people's standards. I need to hear this truth LOUD and OFTEN. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Success doesn't equal more stuff, that is for sure!

    Keep living as God tells you, Sue, and you will really be at peace and have more success.
