Monday, December 21, 2009

Growing up

Watching your children grow up is an amazing thing. We have a lot of family videos from when they were young and every time we watch them (which is often) I am taken back to what seems like just yesterday. Those sweet little voices, those brave and innocent souls dancing about without a care in the world. Where have they gone? Where has the time gone? Too fast if you ask me. I am not ready to have them leave the nest, but I am just about at that point in my life.

Remember those time? When you could get them to dress up and act silly for the camera? When they would beg you to video them and take their picture in this new outfit, or playing house or whatever? So cute! "Mommy watch me!" "Mommy did you see that?"

Although at times I miss them, especially those little voices, I do enjoy them big! I really do. I have nearly 3 teens and they all are great. Yes, they give me moments of UGH! But most days they are a joy to be around, to hear their thoughts (what they will share anyway), watch them laugh, interact with their little brother, wrestle, bust on each other, it just warms my heart.

And, even though our times on the road can be tough and cramped, I cherish the fact that we are together as a family learning to work out all the kinks. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I hope that when my children look back on this time, they would feel the same.

"Mom, remember the time we took that year long road trip?..........that was a great memory!"


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