Friday, December 18, 2009

What's in a name?

We took a trip to Focus on the Family while we were in Colorado. It was cool. We have been listening to the "Odyssey" CD's for many years and to hang out in Whits End and drink milk shakes and play in all the different places was cool, even for my 17 year old!

This picture was taken while we were touring the building. Isn't it awesome? I don't know if you can see it, but it says JESUS on top and all the names he is called. Just to name a few: Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Shepherd, Cornerstone, Messiah, I AM, The Way, Alpha and Omega......and so on. So cool! I just LOVED it so much I had to take a picture. It is the one I use for my profile.

What is in a name? Look at all those things above that describe Jesus. I am sure you could add some more, some maybe even a little personal. Confidante, best friend.......?

What about ourselves? If someone where to think of your name, you as a person, what would they come up with? I know we all hope to be labeled first and foremost - A CHRIST follower. But what else? I can think of a few I hope that people would think of me, and many I hope they do not! HA!!

I guess it would depend on who you were talking to. If it was my kids you were asking, some days I think my name would be "Mean Mommy!" What about my husband? When he thinks of me is he thinking of a complaining wife or an encouraging spouse? What about friends? Would they say "blabber mouth?" HAHAHAHA!!

So I am thinking, how do I want to leave this earth? Do I want to leave it as a grumbler or someone who was content with her lot, her path, her life?

I think that as far as I am concerned, what I would like people to say about me is.......She really did love the Lord. Maybe a few choice adjectives as well :) Lets all try and make this easy for people when they think of us eh?


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