Thursday, February 11, 2010


I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There, I said it, phew! It is out there. HA!

For me it isn't an issue, but for many women it is hard to even say these words. It breaks my heart to hear how unhappy women are in their marriages. What is worse is the apathy they feel toward them. Like marriage is just another stage in your life that you go through and if it lasts, ok, if no, that's ok too. How terribly sad!

I once went to a marriage conference and the speaker there had us turn toward each other and say, out loud, "My spouse is not my enemy" Again for me, not hard, but what went through my brain was the list of people I do know that might not actually be able to say those words. And again, my heart aches! For I know what they are missing..................

Hebrews 13:4 says "Marriage should be honored by all" This verse is so very telling because this is how God expects us to feel/be/act/think and the world we live in today is saying exactly the opposite. Marriage is not honored by all, and I may even be bold to say that is isn't honored by too many any more. Between gay marriage and the divorce rate, not to mention the glamor that constant remarriages by all of Hollywood seems to portray we are in a poor state.

I think it is because they have lost sight of what marriage truly is. It is a covenant relationship. It is a representation of Christ and the church. Of course in order to really know this, you have to BE in a relationship with Christ. And of course, that is where it all begins to fall apart. Our country, that claims to be 80% Christian, is losing its battle. What started out as a country where people came to worship THE ONE TRUE GOD in their own way has turned into a melting pot of ungodly people. But I am getting off topic here.

Where was I.......Marriage..........When my husband and I got married almost 20 years ago we weren't believers. Well, if asked, we would have told you we were Christians, but we weren't walking with God. The ceremony we had was done in a church and scripture was read, but it was only because that is what you were suppose to do. It didn't MEAN anything to us. I look back on that and I PRAISE the Lord that he took those two filthy hearts and made them His. I thank Him that He still loved us enough to bring us out of the unknowing pit and into the light which is Christ.

Now with Christ as the center, our marriage will never end, until death do us part. Will there be trials, yes, heartaches, yes, but when you both are living for Christ, knowing that there is no alternative than to stay together and work it out, then you can relax and enjoy each other and that is what I plan on doing, for as long as I live.

So love your husbands, honor them, take pride in them and tell them often. For besides Christ, they are your rock!



  1. My oldest married last June to a wonderful young man, a precious addition to our family. Thinking of marriage - and of Christ - here's a link to an older blog post.

    Marriage, as a picture of Christ's love for us, is a blessing. But I have to admit that it has "seasons" - sometimes sweet and refreshing, sometimes labor-intensive, sometimes heartbreaking. Sort of like the sanctification process, huh?!

  2. I enjoyed your blog on marriage. Dave and I also had someone tell us a long time ago that many couples lose sight of the fact that their spouse is "not the enemy". How sad that we have to be reminded of that sometimes. And the fact that "familiarity breeds contempt". That is another one we need to be reminded of, so that we don't lose sight of how special our marriage partners really are!

    Our relationship with Christ has many parallels!!
