Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Daughters

I love my daughters. They are just so funny. Each one has her own personality. They couldn't be more opposite, yet the compliment each other - most days :)

I had such a fun day yesterday. I decided that I was going to teach them how to shave their legs.

I have one daughter that is fighting the growing up thing. She has been fighting it forever and is just not interested in all the things that come with being a young lady. She is quiet, shy, reserved and is not AT ALL interested in discussing hygiene with mom, or anyone else for that matter.

My other daughter on the other hand is quite fine with this new change in her life. She is curious about what will happen next and is interested in trying new things. She is a little louder, a little more hyper and not so reserved. She questions me about a lot of things going on with her and her body.

SO, when I woke up yesterday and said, "Today I am going to teach you how to shave your legs!" I wasn't surprised at the moans and yahoos! HA!

My quiet daughter said that she was NOT interested at all and wouldn't do it. Well, she is polite and didn't exactly say those words, but her face and eyes were something to behold! She was not going to budge. I talked to her off and on for a while, but she finally said, " Mom, it is vain."

hhhmmmmm, never thought of that and didn't have an argument, so I let her go-for now, but she had to watch the other one while I taught her, just in case she changed her mind :)

Now remember we are living in an RV with a stall shower and a bathroom that doesn't fit too many people. My "just observing" daughter sat on the toilet while my "yes, lets get to it" daughter (who is younger one by the way) stood with me by the sink.

I filled it with water, had her dunk her foot in there, soaped her up and we proceeded. My youngest thought it was great fun. She let me do it for a while to show her and around all the hard shin bones, but she easily got the hang of it and wanted to finish the rest. All the while I was trying to catch a glimpse of the older one maybe, just maybe being interested...............nothing. That same sour puss face never left her.

So, all in all, it was a fun afternoon. My youngest couldn't stop rubbing her legs. She even asked both her brothers to feel how smooth they were HAHA!! So cute! She is just excited to be doing something new.

When I was a young wife I remember hoping that I would have a house full of boys. I grew up with two brothers and was a total jock. I enjoyed the boys that I grew up with as we played soccer, baseball and anything else that involved running around.

But God didn't have that in mind for me. I am SOOO glad! I am blessed to have these two young women in my life. They are a treasure and life would be so different and I am sure not as wonderful without them.

Even in these moments of "warring" between them and me or between the two of them life is still sweet. God is so good


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