Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This was a big thing in my house growing up. My mothers grandfather was born in Ireland. It is fun to have such diversity and know your great, great grandparents were actually born in another country. But I am not happy for the genetic trait of pale, translucent skin :) HA!

My mom always made a fun day of this "holiday". She turned our milk green, so when we woke up to eat our morning cereal we were ecstatic with the green milk to celebrate the day. She would decorate the house with shamrocks and cook Irish soda bread, smoked butt and cabbage. So much fun..........ok, so the smoked butt and cabbage weren't that great, but the whole celebrating something in March was fun.

So now I am older and although I love to celebrate stuff, anything really, I am getting a little annoyed at this word Luck. In fact it annoys me so much that I have told my children that they are not allowed to say it in our house! HA!

Why you might ask? Well, I just don't believe in luck. There is no such thing.

Ecc.3:14,15 says: I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. That which is, has already been, and what is to be, has already been; and God requires an account of what is past.

As believers we know that God is in control of everything. He knew us before we were born. He has a plan for our lives already in place. We as Christians need to rest in this and know that things don't happen because of luck. They happen because God planned it that way. He usually has a lesson in it as well; which to many may be considered unlucky. But I think of it as a blessing. Paul counts it all as joy! Can you imagine that? What a blessing to have a heart that knows that all trials are counted as pure joy! WOW!! I wish I had that heart.

So, happy St. Patty's day. Enjoy the green and the food, but leave the luck to the non-believers. Or better yet, find a non-believer and let them know that luck is baloney. It is not of God, it is of this world and we are not to store up our treasures here in this world, but in heaven.


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